

(The Distribution of Uca formosensis)

        6 是歷年來台灣招潮的分布記錄,空心星號☆表示曾經記錄過,但目前無法再發現到的地點;實心星號★則是經作者於 1994 到 1997 年調查之後,確定還擁有一定數量的地點。其中族群數量較大的地點有新竹海山罟 (9)、彰化伸港 (10)、台南七股 (14) 三處;其餘地點的族群都較小,數量並不穩定,例如台北竹圍 (7)、新竹浸水 (8)、台中高美彰化芳苑 (11)、嘉義東石朴子溪口 (12)、嘉義布袋八掌溪口 (13)、台南青草崙曾文溪口南岸 (15)、澎湖青螺 (16)。

6. 台灣招潮的分布記錄 表示目前確定仍存在有一定數量族群的地點 表示曾經記錄過但作者並未發現有台灣招潮。

(The distributional records of Uca formosensis. The black star () represents the habitat with active population of U. formosensis; the empty star () represents the habitat with no active U. formosensis population found, although it was recorded before.)

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7. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:台北縣竹圍,圖中的紅樹林為水筆仔。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chuwei, Taipei County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel.)

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8. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:新竹市浸水,圖中矮小的紅樹林為水筆仔。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinshui, Hsinchu City, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel.)

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9. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:新竹市海山罟,圖中左側有水筆仔,圖中央地表長有鹽地鼠尾粟。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Haishanku, Hsinchu City, on the left of the figure is Kandelia candel and in the middle of the figure is Sporobolus virginicus.)

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10. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:彰化縣伸港,圖中央地表長有鹽地鼠尾粟和濱水菜。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Shenkang, Changhua County, in the middle of the figure is Sporobolus virginicus and Sesuvium portulacastrum.)

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11. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:彰化縣芳苑,圖中的紅樹林為水筆仔。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Fangyuan, Changhua County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel.)

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12. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:嘉義縣東石朴子溪口,圖右側矮小的紅樹林為海茄冬。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located at the estuary of Putzu Creek, Tungshih, Chiayi County, on the right of this figure is Avicennia marina.)

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13. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:嘉義縣布袋八掌溪口,但目前該棲地已經被颱風後的洪水衝垮,見圖 44

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located at the estuary of Pachang Creek, Putai, Chiayi County, but the habitat was damaged badly by a flood after a typhoon. Also see figure 44.)

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14. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:台南縣七股,為目前台灣招潮最大的棲息地之一。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chiku, Tainan County, which is one of the largest habitats of Uca formosensis.)

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15. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:台南市青草崙,為台灣招潮分布的最南端,但目前該處已經被非法魚塭破壞,見圖 47

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chingtsaolun, Tainan City, which is the most southward distribution of Uca formosensis. This area is now damaged by illegal fish farms. Also see figure 47.)

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16. 台灣招潮的棲地之一:澎湖青螺,台灣招潮唯一在台灣島以外的棲地,圖中的矮小紅樹林為海茄冬。

(A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinglo, Penghu (Pescadores), which is the only habitat distributed outside of the Taiwan island. The mangrove within is Avicennia marina.)



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